Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thou' Shall Forgive!

Forgiveness is freeing up & putting to better use the energy once consumed by holding grudges, harbouring recentments and nursing unhealed wounds. Its rediscovering the strenghts we always had & relocating our limitless capacity to understand & accept other people & ourselves.

When we let go off hard feelings, we start living the life God intended us to live, its most important if you want to move and leave the past for the past. As we give the gift of forgiveness we ourselves are forgiven.
Did you know that if you hate someone you're disliking part of yourself? An old proverb advices us that '' you will keep your friends if forgive them but will lose your friends if you keep talking about what they did you wrong''
Even though I really, detest liars or sadists, I have come to learn that no matter how good a friend is they are going to hurt you once in a while and we must learn to forgive them for that.
posted by Klara at 10:59 AM | Permalink |