Thursday, May 03, 2007
Food For Thought!
It is not very realistic to expect that you'll go from where you are now to where you want to be in one quick leap. The most reliable and lasting progress is made one step at a time.

Welcome each step as you take it and reach it. Even though you're not all the way there just yet, you're moving steadily forward. Value and appreciate the progress you've made, then continue moving on. The next step forward awaits you, and with it you'll move even closer.

The reward you seek at the end of the path is given value by every step of the journey. Each moment spent is time well spent when you're moving steadily forward, even if you still have a way to go.Some steps may be tedious, or complicated, difficult, challenging or uncomfortable. Yet they are all moving you surely toward the place you want to be.

Ralph Marston


To all my Critics: It's not easy being Klara! so go easy bana..

posted by Klara at 12:27 PM | Permalink |


  • At 3/5/07 13:10, Anonymous Anonymous

    Girl, such heavy deep posts - where are you? Hope you are all right. Thanks for the quote anyhow. :-) Mastrongs...

  • At 3/5/07 15:10, Blogger Chatterly

    that's a beautiful quote!

  • At 3/5/07 16:22, Blogger Half 'n' half

    (Deep breath) Profound! and comorfting

  • At 3/5/07 16:27, Blogger eddiie

    Sometimes i prefer that one big lap and am into millions...Its knid a DEAL OR NO DEAL situation...One step at a time really sucks..It takes a hell of time but what to do..thats how it works unles ofcourse you are from the British Royal family of a certain queen Elizabeth..

  • At 3/5/07 18:25, Blogger egm

    Klara queen of deep posts. I guess the step by step endeavour is what makes you cherish the destination even more.

  • At 3/5/07 21:49, Blogger 3N

    good and comforting post Klara

    couldn't have read it at a better time....

  • At 4/5/07 01:07, Blogger Unknown

    A true QUEEN you are.. thoughtful of you to bring that up just like now when I needed it.. ;)

    I agree on the fact that it's really hard being you, but wait till you're me, then you'll realise that being you is the simplest and best thing you can be...

    There is nowhere in this world you will go and lack critics.. best thing is to look for one.. just one positive thing you got and for sure you will live the happiest life.. :)

    haters will never die.. And so will DRAMA!!

  • At 4/5/07 07:31, Blogger Unknown

    Deep sentiments everything needs to taken step by step as in the old african proverb on "How do you eat an Elephant? One bite at a time!"
    Can't believe you have critics, I agree with you just be who you are despite.

  • At 4/5/07 13:20, Blogger feather

    if we never hard issues, we'd never enjoy the blessings that come our way. interesting post

  • At 4/5/07 19:27, Blogger Prettylyf

    I couldn't agree more! Great post, Klara

  • At 5/5/07 09:14, Blogger eddiie

    N/B.....I didn`t know we have some critics hear..well i hope to cousel better hire me coz ...who is that messing up with klara...

  • At 5/5/07 12:58, Blogger Klara

    Agiasi....Am here bana! U r not feelin me?LOL..Lakini Thanx! Hope u enjoyed it!
    Half n Half..LOL...I can still feel u breathin Heavly
    Eddiie...U r so right unlesss u have these super powers otherwise u have to go through one stage @ atime! That was just agimmick..Men am Loved bana! LOL(Kiddin) Lakini For how Much?
    Egm..Haiya! I got a title too?? LOL..Thanx for sharin da same sentiments
    3N...sO U mean it helped?? It sually is comfortin..
    Leticia..Thanx For droppin by..No one living can be 100% Perfect n no one living can be loved by all... Life's Like an Onion u peel one layer off at a time n sometimes u weep!
    Feather..Yes! Thank U..Critics make us better human beings...
    Prettlyf...Thank u...