Tuesday, August 08, 2006
From Africa
Anxiety & Fear are very draining emotions that always keep us from fulfilling our dreams. But unless one gets up & does whatever needs to be done to transform their lives, They will sit around waiting forever.... Every change is frightening & contains a risk but as an old proverb teaches us "Nothing ventured Nothing gained".
ometimes I h
old on to certain situations in Life just because am afraid of what will happen if I was to lose em.' For some time now I have been afraid of some looming changes in my life but since they are unavoidable I have been preparing myself psychological to positively accept them. ..................
Africa despite all the economical, political & social problems is still a beauty.....

posted by Klara at 5:31 PM | Permalink |


  • At 10/8/06 18:13, Blogger Uaridi

    You are so right. Africa is still and will always be beautiful and not just in a romantic way.