Saturday, August 05, 2006
Not giving in
I didn't fall sick afterall & even though this has been a very eventful week. Its finally over. Personal problems had been treatening to bring me down, but fortunately I didnt crack in... Since I have realised that: People who have accomplished alot in Life, are the people who keep trying even when there's no hope at all, and I want my name to appear in that List.......and you will be surprised to know how long you can go from the point you thought it was the end.
hey say never, never give up even when drowning always keep your head a float, I have always been one to lose hope in difficulty situations and offcourse it has never gotten me anywhere. I hope to always be brave even in the most trying times......

Did I ever mention that Samuel L. Jackson is one of my favourite actors & hero's. Favourite because his is a rags-to-riches story that proves anyone can do great things with hardwork, talent & little luck!.......................................
posted by Klara at 4:14 PM | Permalink |


  • At 12/10/06 15:26, Blogger egm

    Like you, I am committed to changing from the person that flinches at the first road block that comes up to one who perseveres through to the glorious end.

  • At 12/10/06 18:59, Blogger Princess

    Perseverence will definitely make you stronger!