Saturday, September 30, 2006
Yersternite I was going through my 'archives' -u know that little box with your precious items.Well I stumbled on my old childhood album, an it was amusing.. I think I have realy changed atleast physically.That little gal with an innocent, bewildered & naive look is all gone..But I started thinking did I realy change? No! That inner child in me is still alive!! am still afraid of making mistakes, of feelin alone...juz da way it was at that time..
has anyone experienced this. You are realy broke on this day! Infact u are in a financial mess.Then outa of nowhere this ruggish, hungry looking kid approaches you for a penny!.Ur first instinct is ingore him, butthen those eyes are biting deep into ur heart!He's surely in need.Now. U have no enough money 2 distribute 2day!.What do u do? I was in this today and ended up parting with my last coins meanin no lunch for me today...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Still Funny.....................
A friend just reminded me of how cheeky we were back in high school;Nick naming teachers & fellow students (especially the prefects) at any given chance & making sure the 'names' stuck...It reminded me of one incident where a teacher after giving us a life changing testimony(on one of those boring sunday sermon's) about how the lord had saved her from a life threatening disease(she claimed to have died & resurrected) We immedietely burst out laughing & branded her ''The walking course"!!!The name caused us alot of laughter to the disgrace of the ''saved'' student lot.Offcourse the testamony was bullshit to us....How sarcastic we were!!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
The best Advice ever receiced
Abetter Way to Live....Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by Life. Don’t look back at it too long…..
Mistakes are Life’s way of teaching you…Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity, to reach your goals.
No one wins them all and your failures, when they happen are just part of our growth..
Shake Off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure?
Never quit? Your turn will come…
True or
If you want something very badly. Set it free!
If it comes back to you, It’s yours forever.. If it doesn’t it was never yours!!