Saturday, September 30, 2006
Yersternite I was going through my 'archives' -u know that little box with your precious items.Well I stumbled on my old childhood album, an it was amusing.. I think I have realy changed atleast physically.That little gal with an innocent, bewildered & naive look is all gone..But I started thinking did I realy change? No! That inner child in me is still alive!! am still afraid of making mistakes, of feelin alone...juz da way it was at that time..Hey,
has anyone experienced this. You are realy broke on this day! Infact u are in a financial mess.Then outa of nowhere this ruggish, hungry looking kid approaches you for a penny!.Ur first instinct is ingore him, butthen those eyes are biting deep into ur heart!He's surely in need.Now. U have no enough money 2 distribute 2day!.What do u do? I was in this today and ended up parting with my last coins meanin no lunch for me today...
posted by Klara at 1:28 PM
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I have always loved photography and every so often I go back and look at old pictures and reminisce is always funny looking at how much I have changed over the years.
As for the little kid who you gave your lunch money to..I believe it was Aesop who said "No act of kindness however small is ever wasted." You have such a good heart and that is a great attribute to have.
Your act of kindness reminds me of the scene from The Little Princess where Sara gives up the bread she was longing to eat big time to this woman and her children who were clearly more destitute than she was. The smile on her face at their gratitude showed she knew she had done the right thing.
I love photography soooo much too.Thanks .
It's true our genoristy aint counted by how much we give but how much we are left with!!!
Sometimes the kids on the street are abit too much. Some have a genuine case others dont and it has become difficult to help them coz u do it this minute after u go for an hour the same kid will be on your heels Auntie nisaidie but doing it once in a while it doesnt hurt.
@Eddie & Nakeel
It's true they can be a nuisance at times...An I know some are pretenders and never want 2 be settled in this orpharnages and prefer hasslin down da streets
The problem is that even though am aware of this I always find it hard 2 ingore em espec..Begging mothers(I know some are juz bein lazy) but am always drawn to drop a few coins..Infact my dream is 2 one day open a destitute home...
Thanks for droppin by!
Oh Come On...Is that honoured..Thanks.
Am gonna try..Just dat am too lazy..U know any remedies
hey.. you have a big heart. God bless you for giving up your lunch. i deleted my comment because it had a SERIOUS shrub.. thanks for stopping by my blog - keep coming back. i love yours.
I have always loved photography and every so often I go back and look at old pictures and reminisce is always funny looking at how much I have changed over the years.
As for the little kid who you gave your lunch money to..I believe it was Aesop who said "No act of kindness however small is ever wasted." You have such a good heart and that is a great attribute to have.