At 21/9/06 00:03,
At 21/9/06 10:14, Klara
At 21/9/06 16:39, Marazzmatazz
hehehe! kwanza sisi we had nicknames for ALL our teachers. Bio dijo was "Peaks of Pats" coz he was luhya and couldn't say Beaks of Birds! Swa dijo was "Suspenders", she had these hanging teeth that needed suspenders to balance!! Aki we were bad. Then there was Havoc - our Headdy.... messes up guy. You cross him and that felt like judgement day. Am i glad we went thru it unscathed! Nice post!
At 21/9/06 18:01, Klara
At 29/9/06 05:04,
At 29/9/06 16:45, Nakeel
At 29/9/06 17:20,
Hi Klara,
Thanks for the message on my blog - I have added your blog on the African Women’s Blogs aggregator - this means you can now contribute to the 1st Carnival of African Women.
At 30/9/06 11:07, Klara
U are On...Check SimplyKlara..My school days were'nt da best espec those in boarding schools bt again they were da only times I was allowed 2 make rush decisions without as much care..Now days things have changed any rush decisions an am in 4 it!Thanks 4 hitting back!
@Mshairi & Nakeel
Thanks again!!
Huh..Yu realy want 2 know...
At 30/9/06 11:18, Klara
At 7/8/07 06:02, 3N
At 26/2/10 23:25,
good afternoon ppl. I'm actually into shoes and I was searching for that singular model. The prices seeking the sneakers were approximately 190 bucks on every site. But finally I bring about this locate selling them someone is concerned half price. I absolutely love those [url=]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase them. what can you tell me about these?
Nicknaming teachers and students in high school always made my day, and how some of those names stuck!